Here is a quick way to create wood grain effect using the warp tools in illustrator.
Select the Rectangle Tool, and draw a thin rectangle. Using the Selection Tool, Alt/Option drag it to create a instance at the bottom. Repeat this step by pressing Ctrl/Command+D to create a row of stripes.
Select all the rows of stripes then go to Object>Transform>Transform Each. Enter the values above and make sure the Random field is checked to give it a random height.
Double click the Warp Tool and use the settings below. Now with the Warp Tool we brush through the row of lines in a horizontal direction. This will distort the stripes giving it a more natural look.
Next we select the Twirl Tool. Double click to change to the settings above. We need a medium sized brush to the twirl on the wood grain. With the Twirl tool, lightly click on different areas to give the stripes a twirl. Do not hold for too long as it will overly distort the stripes. You can change the brush size of the Twirl Tool by holding down Option+Shift /Alt+Shift.
Using the Pucker Tool, with the setting above. We pucker different sections of the stripes to make the stripes contract.
To make the stripes thinner, I select all the stripes and squash it using the Transform Tool.
Select all the wood grain and fill it with dark brown. Draw a light brown rectangle and send it to the back. Copy the rectangle by pressing Ctrl/Command+C. Next, paste it to the front by pressing Ctrl/Command+F. Select all and right click to select Make Clipping Path. This will crop away the edges.
Heres the final wood texture.
Extra Tip:
Applying the pucker effect above areas which has the twirl effect will give it a more natural look.
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