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[스크랩] 주택 펜션 디자인-Residence in Lithuania


by 디자이너-이충길 2014. 6. 7. 17:57


Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle


This magnificent looking home comes from Architectural Bureau G. Natkevicius & Partners and is located in Lithuania. Especially designed for an agricultural entrepreneur and his wife (student at the School of Art, who is quite interested in furniture design), the residence contrast beautifully with the green surrounding landscape. This project was resembled with “Noah’s Ark”, a place where all the family (together with their belongings and even pets) decided to turn to in order to escape the urban jungle.  Featuring a fascinated cantilevered volume, a garage hidden underneath, floor to ceiling windows and contemporary arrangements, you are looking at more than just a living space. This project is a true display of art and good taste, the perfect way to start over far away from the urban racket. What do you think? Would this home be a good enough reason for you to leave city life?

residence LithuaniaIncredible Residence in Lithuania



1285555426 1284654453 mg 0232 resize Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle 1285555435 1284654467 mg 0351 resize Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle

1285555446 1284654487 53070003 Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle

1285555437 1284654471 mg 0359 resize Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle

1285555440 1284654475 mg 0384 resize Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle

1285555453 1284655545 ground floor plan 1000x706 Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle

1285555450 1284655538 first floor plan 1000x706 Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle

1285555457 1284655550 section 1000x706 Incredible Residence in Lithuania, a Perfect Escape from the Urban Jungle

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