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[스크랩] 주택 펜션 디자인 - Creative Renovation


by 디자이너-이충길 2014. 6. 7. 21:03


Creative Renovation: Modern with a Side of Ranch by Hufft Projects


Located in Leawood, Texas, Modern with a Side of Ranch is an “aggressive renovation” project within the framework of the existing ranch style home. Designed by Hufft Projects, the residence does its best to conserve and highlight the old elements which make a pleasant contrast with the new additions. The renovation consists of a box-shaped volume which was placed on top of the existing construction. Housing a playroom and two children’s bedrooms, the extension was welcomed by the family members, especially by the two young boys who enjoy their tree house-like playroom. The architects also reinvented the interior design, adding a new kitchen island and removing the partition walls between the living, dining and kitchen areas for extra space. Can you tell that the project below is a blend of old and new?


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